Thursday, 4 February 2010

Gulf Stream

Last night I watched 'Coast' - I usually forget, but this week's programme on Ireland had caught my attention and I was captivated by the landscape and history of the place.

At one point there was a diagram of the Gulf Stream, and a reminder of all the warmth and fertility it brings to Western Europe. As I thought about it, I was struck by how we each have the choice of what to make of our lives, and how we relate to other people.

My personal mission statement is: "I want to make the world a happier place." It covers just about everything - writing, chatting, listening, joking, baking, being there for people... Last night I went to sleep thinking that I'd like to be a human Gulf Stream - bringing warmth and comfort to people when I can, rather than making their lives cold and icy.

When you go through divorce, it doesn't matter where 'the fault' lies (I think it's incredibly rare for it all to be one side though) - you are faced with choices every day about whether to be as loving and gracious as possible, or whether to go for the jugular, demand what you can, get something for YOU out of it... etc. I know everyone's situation differs and I would never dream of judging somebody for how they handle their relationships, but I did try to be as amicable as possible - and I have to say, that has left me with very few regrets.

The Gulf Stream goes out of its way for us, really. It surreptitiously makes the most tremendous difference. It goes largely unnoticed and nobody thinks to thank it. And yet it serves its purpose in life. I have no idea whether a water current can feel fulfilled, but it ought to...

Not a bad model for life! :)

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